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Friday, February 24, 2006


PS is a quarterly publication put out by Para/site addressing various issues revolving around contemporary art, curating, the gallery, and the HK art community. Unfortunately PS27 is going to be its last issue for various reasons.

This issue covered in the first half various readings and essays on sound art. From sound walks, deep listening, sound in urban society, to a fairly extensive review of sound art must reads.. this issue was right up my alley.

The last section of the issue addresses curating, and the changing role of curators in contemporary art. It looks at the still awkwardly forming structure of the HK art community - which is based around collectives and councils of artists and intellectuals rather than having a single curator (which is how the international art world functions).

One part of this issue that was of particular interest to me was the emergence of Chinese contemporary art in the International scene (which is primarily western-dominated). Chinese artists lately have been trying to define the modern Chinese identity – trying to move away from being marginalized in the global contemporary art world as being heavily weighted in history and tradition e.g. Mao, calligraphy, landscapes. It will be interesting the in the coming years to see what the modern Chinese identity will become and what art will come from it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: curators, you should talk to my roommate who is doing her Ph.D on art and sociology...with a specific focus on the role of the curator in creating the definition of "art."

4:48 AM  

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