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Thursday, February 09, 2006


Havn't watched a lot of TV, but it's not as flashy and seizure inducing as one might think Asian TV is. Actually HK TV is pretty international. There is a lot of British news and television, bad dramas/comedies that seem to satirize traditional Chinese emperors and court people (e.g super long beards, angry slanty eyebrows, bad acting) and the National Geographic Network.

Oh and there are also rather good movies like Good Bye Lenin and Battle Royale II (which actually sucks ass compared to the first one).

I also saw this pretty great Korean dark comedy about a family that tries to get by off life insurance fraud (after realizing they could cash in huge when their husband/dad gets hit by a truck that backed into him when he was peeing on it when he was drunk). The family continues to buy insurance, and trying to come up with ways to hurt themselves (the more serious the injury, the more money). It’s rather amusing… especially when they try to kill off a "very very very very very" distant relative that turns out to be a mafia slob that never seems to die.

I’m not sure what it is called in English.. something like making money without investing..


Check the links section - some added Asia/China experimental labels will discuss later.


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