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Friday, July 27, 2007

Sonatrope Film Festival

17 - 25 August 2007 @ KLUUBB

14/F, Foo Tak Building
367 Hennessy Road
Wanchai, HK

Sonatrope is an independent film festival in Hong Kong featuring recent films related to contemporary musical practices. With selections that traverse global, regional and local communities, alternative histories and multiple issues, Sonatrope aims to provide a platform for divergent and compelling films that focus on the various social, political and cultural dimensions of musical genres motivated by youth.

The festival’s emphasis on punk and hip-hop seeks to highlight the significant communities that are formed around the love of music in an increasingly globalized era, revealing the influence, interpretation, and critical re-imagining of commercial culture. Providing a glimpse into underground cultures, commercialized ethos, global hip-hop and punk movements, alternative community building and performance, the films further explore the redeployment of these genres into new social spaces, serving as platforms for multiple voices and for the challenging of how these genres have become defined.


Friday, 17 August 2007
9pm, $40 at the door
Screening: Squatterpunk (Dir: Khavn, 2007, Philippines)
Music: Spermatic Chord, ST, Elle Est ChiNOISE, New Pony, Kawaki


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Get It Louder

GET IT LOUDER 07 - Hong Kong Homeshow (07 ë„flìW - çÅç`©@ñâèG)
The Diplomat Project: Dialogue with the Ghosts àŸËÀõîòb

Get It Louder is a touring festival of design and art by young local and International creatives of Chinese background. Started in China in 2005, the festival hosts a wide range of exhibitions (video, print, photography, fashion, web), sound/music performances, and talks with internationally renowned artists and designers. Get It Louder provides a dynamic platform for the creative work of Chinese talent across the globe. This year the festival visited Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu. Embassy Projects and Lona Records now brings the spirit to Hong Kong in the form of a ghostly evening of sound art.


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Embassy Projects


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ÅuäOååväc: àŸËÀõîòbÅvîT07 ë„flìWúAèB‚ãîV„flâπçÄñ⁄îVàÍÅB

„flâπÂYèp : Alok / Sin:Ned / KWC / Wilson Tsang / Sherman / Edwin Lo / ahshun aka bjornho

‰íuÂYèp : Samantha Culp / Adrian Wong / Nookei / Sin:Ned

äTîOãyçÙäc : Lona Records + Embassy Projects


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